“Daniel answered and said,
Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to him. And it is He who changes the times and epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding. It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with him.’”
~ Daniel 2: 20-22~
physical pain/disability, emotional distress, spiritual distance/isolation/dryness, mental reality distortion, grief, loss, change, unknown, unbearable circumstances, hateful people, corruption, deceit, theft, violation, war, complete exhaustion, presence of enemies, sin...
“there’s a light at the end of the tunnel...”
- if things are bad now, don’t worry, there’s hope [light] ahead
“shed some light on the situation...”
- if things are difficult or murky, the light will help make things clear
“lights, camera, action!”
- first part of the movie making sequence? you need to SEE what’s going on, then you start recording
what’s going on, THEN you cue in to what’s actually going on
“make a right at the second light...”
- landmark
- (ever heard “make a left at that place where you can’t see anything”?)
“this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine...”
- “lemme show you my dark corner”? nope
“scared of the dark...”
- place of fear not of comfort
“I wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley...”
- place where bad things are done and no one can see to rescue you - unknown
“lurking in the dark corners...”
- places where people do not often choose to go
“he has a dark past...”
- he has done the kinds of things he would rather keep hidden
“those were dark times...”
- periods which you would like NOT to revisit
“It’s too dark in here, I can’t see anything! Turn on the light, will ya?”
- The antidote for the darkness? Light.
to know: (verb) = be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information
“know” the facts (information)
“know” the feeling (experience)
“know” the place (observation)
Daniel says God knows what is in the darkness.
He KNOWs it. He knows all the facts. He knows the who: names, faces, and stories of all people involved, or not involved. He knows the what: every detail that makes up this particular story. He knows the when: the timing of the circumstances, what came before and what will come after. He knows the night or day, weekend or weekday, the day the month the year the hour the minute, and how inconvenienced/stressed/pressured you are as a result. He knows the where: home or work, street name and address, state, country, continent, and climate. And maybe most importantly AND most puzzling, He knows the one we rarely if EVER know...He knows the why: not the means but the END, the purpose, the goal, the justification, the motivation, the cause, the value, the benefit, the role in your life and the lives of those near or far.
He’s KNOWs it. He’s experienced it. Been there. Felt that. Seen that. Heard that. Smelt that. He’s NOT unexperienced, immune, or naive. He notices. He’s read the briefing and the background checks. His nerve endings are sensitive. All 5 of his senses (and maybe more?) are not only functional but keen.
He KNOWs it. He’s the ever-present observer. Nothing has gone on that he is not privy to...not only has he been on the receiving end of all of it already, but he’s also been the witness to ALL of it. It’s a different perspective than that of participant, but just as valid and important and pertinent...
In our Bible Study chapter on El Elyon last week, in the verse after verse that we read about our God Most High, this is the one that stuck out:
“...He knows what is in the darkness...” - Daniel 2:22
What is it though, about these simple words? Well, this post is me working that out...And in the end, I realize that the comfort is in the fact that He knows...not just in fact, or witness, but in experience...the feeling of, the reality of the darkness.
Now that I stop and think about it, the fact that “He knows” was also the main take home lesson I learned from Dr. Calhoun’s class I took at Covenant Seminary entitled “Sickness and Suffering.” Dr. Calhoun started the class off by telling us he was not, in fact, going to be able to answer the “WHY?!” question that He knew was looming large in all of our minds, and in his own as well...but he did remind us that God was not untouched by darkness [sickness and suffering] himself - the loss of His only Son, the betrayal and rejection and violation from His people...and the list goes on. THAT was “worth the price of admission” for me. After watching children die day after day in Uganda, after watching “big men” eat money and resources out from under their neighbors and those they are intended to serve without accountability, after struggling to love my teammates well and them struggling to love me well, after hitting rock bottom emotionally, after having every single prop or buffer I was used to leaning on knocked out from under me, and preparing to head back to a long term commitment of more of the same, THAT was what I needed to hear, THAT was the lightbulb I needed turned on. I needed to know that He didn’t look down from his comfy throne in heaven where everything is peachy keen all the time. I needed to know that the suffering, the darkness, was not something He doled out to all of us, but something He knew something of Himself. He knows what it’s like...He knows what is in the darkness...my darkness, your darkness, his darkness, her darkness, OUR darkness.
PS: The same week as the Daniel light bulb, this Op Ed article, coming in from Japan, was published in the NY Times. A Facebook find for me from a friend from college, it was timely, fascinating, and powerful. I don’t think Pico Iyer knows this line from Daniel about the darkness. I don’t think He believes in the God that knows said darkness, but his reflection on darkness or “suffering” is spot on in many ways. See for yourself.