05 July 2009


I'm sitting here at my computer at the desk in my main room in my pajamas (HUP scrub pants I swiped when doing my surgical experience in nursing school, and a U-City Memorial Day Run tshirt from a few years ago), I haven't brushed my teeth and my short curly hair is no doubt quite unruly as it always is first thing in the morning. I'm checking email and scanning blogs, not much active internet usage goes on first thing in the morning for me, just passive in-take.

I'm wondering what the day will hold. I never can be quite sure. We left little miss polka dots on the ward still on Friday, still trying to fight the system of lack of activity on just about everyone's parts. The cute white dress with red polka dots that was actually white when she came in, is no longer, it's browned with dirt and wear over the course of what must be at least 3 weeks now she has spent on the ward. You know what made my day last Tuesday? The Pierce kids had mobilized kids from the states to send stuffed animals for the kids at the Health Center and somehow I got the privilege of distributing them. I handed the super soft, cream colored ribbed velveteen-ish, floppy teddy bear to little miss polka dots and she immediately lit up with a gorgeous smile as she ran over to gingerly grab it from my hand. Soooooo precious. Later in the morning she was walking around the Health Center grounds with the bear tied to her back with a towel like babies are carried here. The next morning I asked her what the bear's name is, and she said definitively, "Lina lieh Moreen." :) (So thanks to all those kids who sent animals, they were mostly a big hit - a few of the kids were terrified of them but I would be too if i'd never seen one before).

So, it's Monday morning, huh? I had better get moving. The clock on my computer has almost reach 8:00 by now, so I should sign off before I get cut off. Hope your Monday is a good one. Over and out.

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