08 October 2008

Build Up

There are all kinds of build up in our lives…the wax variety in our ears, the plaque variety on our teeth, the sclerotic variety in our blood vessels…but when you’re an American living in rural Africa there’s also the potential blog material variety in the back of your mind…it’s definitely a phenomenon here…I experience things all the time that make me laugh or cry or scream (or wanna scream), and I think to myself…‘that there is blog material…’ but then the thought runs the other way out of my mind before I get a chance to write about it and it’s lost, sometimes forever, sometimes not. This material right here, maybe not so blog worthy, but because everything of the potential blog material build up variety has run the other way out of my mind, this is what you get. Sorry.

Leaving the district for a long weekend in the morning. I am so ready I can't even begin to tell you.

1 comment:

2WeeMonsters said...

Yeah, it happens to me too. In fact our recent fire was noted as blog worthy as soon as my brain quit racing... pretty dorky!

Enjoy your R&R!