Okay, so, best pick up line of the year, hands down...
"Ah, Olupah, you are new every morning...just like the word of the Lord!" :)
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time...this zinger came out of the mouth of one of the great Ugandan guys who works with us on Nutrition projects. I told him the next day that I'd told Sarah about his line and that she'd laughed a lot..."Why did she laugh?" he asked as he chuckled a bit himself. I tried explaining to him that it sounded like what we call a "pick up line, something that a guy says to get a girl's attention". He said the inquisitive affirmative, "eh?!" "I didn't use it that way" he assured me. "But we also have those sayings here" he told me. I asked what other ones he had in his repertoire and told me the following...
"You ask a girl for 500 Shillings, and then when she asks you 'what for?' you tell her 'so I can call my mum and tell her I've met the girl of my dreams." Clearly not as funny as the above mentioned pearl, but still got a chuckle out of me.
This is fantanstic...who said it?
that Ugandan line would be a useful moneymaking enterprise...I keep that in mind
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