From the top...Pat painting her mural in the Peds ward at the Health Center, a woman of MANY talents (and my housemate :)!
M., a little 3 year old with AIDS, whose mom has died and his grandmother, who you see holding him is his caregiver and loves him dearly. He was admitted about 3 days before this with severe malaria, and not conscious, on death's doorstep. So, seeing him here with his eyes open is a huge answer to prayer, and the next day his was even fiesty with Jennifer when she was listening to his lungs and heart with her stethescope, and fiesty is good...when kids are well enough to be fiesty it's a good sign (especially when they've moved to that point from being unconscious).
Next are 3 of the nurses that we work with most often. Standing is Joy, and sitting is Yofes and Olupah. They speak english and are great to work with. Yofes has been the IV king, when the others have been unable to get venous access, veins blowing time after time, he comes and saves the day :) Olupah started the same week I did, she came from another health center a little ways away.
Then there's I., a little 7 year old (I think) with Kwashiorkor (and a piece of candy from Jennifer in her mouth!) who has started smiling and playing and talking since I've been here (when I saw her the first few times, she was just sitting and staring really). I like her a lot and was thrilled this week when I got a smile out of her!
The market in Bundibugyo Town last week when I went with Scott Myhre to the hospital there.
The hardware store in B Town, a shot I took in honor of my dad and my brother, I didn't go in but my guess is that the two of them could have spent hours in there talking to the shop keepers...I can just hear the conversation now...about screws and pipe fittings and lumber and such...
The scene at the Bundibugyo air strip upon my arrival almost 2 weeks ago...holy cow, time goes fast.
Then the scene from the inside of our little 10 seater MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) plane that took us from Entebbe to Bundibugyo. Laura is the pilot up front looking at the flight plans.
Then loading of our luggage from the Masso's vehicle into the plane. Laura, the pilot, was also the "ticket counter" person, the baggage person, the flight attendent in addition to being the pilot, literally a one woman show, amazing!
The air strip at Kijansi between Entebbe and Kampala.
1 comment:
that looks like a yota pickup on the airstrip...did you get a close up? I'm trying to figure out how to call you back...
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