11 March 2008

let it out

aaaaaahhhhhhhhh.....so frustrating...email's not working right, blogging isn't working right, internet is so dang slow...TIA, This Is Africa...sometimes I just wanna scream.  Today it was so random, I ended up helping in Immunization clinic today because everyone's coming out of the woodwork to get their kids immunized now that Ebola's over and we are allowed to give them again...it's good, I'm glad they're coming, but I was standing there calling out names, and a room full of women holding their babies are staring back at me like I'm from another planet, so I repeat it again, faster and with my very best African English accent (which if you've ever heard me try to pull off an accent you know is pretty bad), and they all continue to stare back at me...the nurse standing behind me takes the card out of my hand, says the name a couple of times and the mom pops right out of her seat "Nisioni!" she says, "that's me"...for the love of it...and then right then and there I had a craving for Chick-Fil-A...how strange is that...standing there sweating (a constant state of existence here) infront of a room crammed full of Babwisi women and their babies and I'm craving Chick-Fil-A...just great.  I told myself, Heidi, there's no time for this foolishness, get your mind back to Polio and Measles...and on I went, making babies cry, what a wonderful profession...geez louise...


Courtney Patch said...

I'm praying for you girl! It sounds like things are going amazingly, and you are learning and adjusting. And you can take the girl out of the US but its hard to take the US out of the girl; at least when it comes to cravings. Mine was always burger king. doh! I miss you. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know for sure what a chick Fil A is......love hearing so much each day. Thanks for taking the time to do the blog.

love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi,
Erik loved this post. If there's anything he could understand missing while abroad, it would be ChickFilA, which anyone who knows him at all knows. I've often asked him if he'll choose residency based on whether there's a CFA in town. That could really narrow it down--no moves to the Northeast then. Anyhow, it's funny this is what you miss. I didn't know you were such a fan. We'll be sure to eat there sometime in the next week in your honor.

Anonymous said...

i think this is my favorite post yet. something so very heidi about it. like i could actually hear your voice when i was reading it just as if you were telling me. i love that you wrote your internal monologue. and who knew about chick-fil-a?

cagedwisdom said...

I ate a chicken sandwich on Wed. and thought of you foundly. Keep up the good work and know les and I speak of you often and miss you dearly
