This is Lydia in action :) One of two sisters that are Pat's "children" who come to stay with her most every weekend. Lydia loves to sing and dance - here she's showing you one of her moves!

Lydia I have affectionately nicknamed "spaz-o" because she's kind of a spaz - but check out this smile!

Me and spaz-o yesterday morning - I was still in my PJ's

My turn with the fake eye - again in the PJ's and with bed-head and all - I've given up on only posting somewhat flattering pictures of myself...there aren't many and well, this is where I'm trying to portray something of everyday life here, and mornings before changing out of your PJ's and brushing your teeth and doing something with your hair are real life :)

African version of the iron - charcoal inside - Joshua the tailor was leaning over this little "chimney" apparatus blowing gently inside to fan the flame/heat the charcoal up in preparation for ironing his handiwork.

View from the top - just in case you doubted that it was charcoal inside...

Used clothe-ez rack in the market - those sticks hanging from the rod are hangers - ingenious!

I think I've posted a picture like this before, but one afternoon I was struck with the beauty around me as I walked back to the house from the cho...who gets such a bathroom experience?!

Autoclave - sterilizing instruments from the operating theatre at Nyahuka Health Center...in the States, autoclaves are the size of a whole room, and notice that this one is sitting on top of a charcoal cooking "stove" as a heat source! Hopefully it's getting hot enough!
Spaz-o is indeed cute. She must be one of the highlights of the weekend! Love you, Heidi.
Daniel thinks the fake eye is pretty funny! He's laughing pretty hard right now :)
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